I like my eggs over easy but often destroy the yolk in the process. Haven’t tried poaching eggs for years but like them too, so thanks for the nudge. And breakfast salad sounds nummy.❤️

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I think they should be called eggs over difficult and really quite tricky! Glad you like the breakfast salad idea!

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Jun 21Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

My Husband is into Omelettes for lunch. He absolutely loves eating them! Each day he varies it… some days with shallot and cheese, other days with avocado and tomatoes seasoned with salt and pepper, and other days just with sea salt. I read your article to him as he prepared his omelette and you definitely got some giggles out of us! We love your writing! I think you’ve inspired a poached eggs streak over here, lol

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Thank you!! Omelettes rock. I love the fact that in their simplest form, they are so quick, and you get such a big amount of food for two small eggs. I will go back to them soon!

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Jun 18Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

Your writing is a joy! I’m so delighted to have found you! 🥂

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Oh THANK YOU! That’s made me so happy!!

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Jun 18Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

And thank you for the generous tips on aplombing eggs. I’ll let you know how it goes. 🍳

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Do – but read my note first about freshness. It’s also on instagram. Perhaps I should send it out as a post. It’s a dangerous business, writing about poached eggs.

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Jun 19Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

Danger is my middle name.

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Jun 17Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

Yes! I am a big fan of the breakfast salad! Usually not much more than cherry toms, some of those crunchy little snacking cucumbers and a bit of avocado with my weekend brunch eggs but it always puts me in a good mood. Will up my game next weekend with some of your suggestions.

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It really does! I often just have cherry tomatoes. I think I feel the same about breakfast as the Italians feel about lunch.. (saying you’ll skip lunch and grab a sandwich would trigger a full psychiatric assessment.

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Jun 15Liked by Lizzie Wingfield

I'll try to poach the eggs your way, Lizzie, and the salads are a great idea for breakfast, lunch, dinner, elevenses, and snacks. Bit envious about mangos, though.

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I definitely agree about salads at any time, always!!

Yes, finding good mangos is incredibly lucky – the difference is enormous!

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Thanks for the reminder that I can eat salad for breakfast - WHY had I forgotten this? I went to Tel Aviv on a work trip a few years ago and went insane for breakfast salad and pledged to eat salad every single day for breakfast for all eternity. Then came back and forgot all about it. I shall think about violinists every time I use my mandolin from now on too...

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